Request for Proposals Questions & Answers
Would you kindly confirm which schools utilize hard, washable, and reusable serving trays for service and which schools use disposable?
Styrofoam consumable trays are used in all schools.
Would you kindly provide the following?
2021-22 Meal Claims per school site including itemized free, reduced, and paid meal counts per month? If you have this data already populated on an excel spreadsheet and can share, that would be fine. I wanted to make it easier for you to share the data per school site without having to share a years’ worth of claim forms for all school sites. We just need to Free/Reduced/Paid data for each type of service per month per school site to help us put together the most comprehensive financial proposal we can.
2021-22 Meal Claims **ES BF = elementary breakfast, ES L = elementary Lunch, MS BF = middle school lunch, MS L = middle school lunch, HS BF = high school breakfast, HS L = HS Lunch. The income column indicates paid adults, AFT indicates after school supper counts by building.**
Bridgeport is a CEP school district so all kids eat free.
Would you kindly provide the last 3 years of audited financials including the food service fund reports for each year?
Would you kindly provide the current FSMC contract renewal approved by the Board for SY 2022-23?
Does your current contractor currently own any equipment or smallware’s and if so, would you kindly provide an inventory of what they own?
Bridgeport School District owns all equipment and smallware.
Would you kindly confirm how many copies of proposals you require and if you need the electronic version on a thumb drive or CD?
Bridgeport School District will require two (2) hard copies of the proposal and one (1) electronic version on a thumb drive.
Would you provide the enrollment, approved free, and approved reduced by school site? (note, see page 43 of the RFP)
Total enrollment = 750
Elementary = 309
Middle School = 182
High School = 257
We are a CEP school district, 100% free
Would you provide how many service days for breakfast, lunch, summer and CACFP? (note, see page 43 of the RFP)
180 service days for breakfast and lunch
Summer = 43 days
We will not operate CACFP next year and will not offer Fresh Fruits and Veggies